Monuments made of granite - a symbol of strength and eternity
Why granite is chosen for monuments
Granite is a symbol of solidity, elegance and eternity. Thanks to its unique properties, this material has become the basis for creating monuments that can stand the test of time. Its extraordinary strength, resistance to compression, friction, dirt and...
Engraving on monuments
The importance of engraving in the creation of monuments
Engraving is an important element in the design of monuments, allowing you to create unique inscriptions, decorative elements and portraits. Thanks to this technique, polished stone slabs acquire individuality, turning into symbols of memory. The peculiarity of the g...
Applying gold leaf to stone
History and features of gilding
Gilding is an ancient art of decoration that originated in the East and probably India. This technique, which involves applying a thin layer of gold, was used to decorate furniture, church domes, artwork and even cooking. Over time, gilding has become a...
Caring for a granite monument
Why maintenance of a granite monument is important
Granite monuments are known for their durability and aesthetics that last for decades. However, regular maintenance is required to keep them in good condition. Dust, fallen leaves, natural pollution and even mechanical damage can ruin the...
Which is better - Chinese granite or Ukrainian?
Every buyer who needs to choose between Ukrainian and Chinese granite faces contradictory statements. Some companies assure that Chinese granite is superior to Ukrainian granite in terms of quality, while others claim the opposite, emphasising that the only advantage of Chinese granite is its price.
Granite monuments - history, meaning, tradition or tribute to fashion ...
History of granite monuments
Monuments have existed since ancient times, the most famous of which are the pyramids. On the territory of ancient Russia, numerous tombstones in the form of mounds were also discovered, which symbolised the greatness of the leaders and served as temples to the souls of the dead. Mounds and mausoleums were built of large boulders of granite...
Tombstones are a legacy of ancient traditions and culture
Religions and their influence on funeral traditions
All world religions establish canons not only for life, but also for rituals related to birth, marriage and death. Much attention is paid to funeral rites and honouring the memory of the deceased. The proverb "It's either good or nothing about the dead" has become known...